We have worked hard to be able to welcome our guests in a safe environment keeping the spirit and atmosphere that has always characterized Moka.
Our staff has been trained to adapt Moka to the hygienic sanitary standards required by the authorities and we have obtained the “Clean and Safe” certificate from Turismo de Portugal authority.
We are excited to open the doors of our home and to live together another wonderful season full of good vibes, especially after this strange and difficult years.
Here below some important information: we kindly ask you to read them carefully and to collaborate with us during your stay at Moka.
Travel to Portugal
Please check here the latest updated about travelling to Portugal. www.visitportugal.com – www.sns24.gov.pt
General rules
– Hand sanitizers will be placed at the entrance of all the indoor common areas.
– You will be asked to please promptly report to staff any symptom that can be traced back to the Covid 19 virus.
Cleaning / Hygiene measures
– The whole house (excluded the private rooms) will be cleaned and sanitized daily; the bathrooms and the yoga shala (our yurt) will be sanitized twice a day.
– Bed sheets and towels will be washed at appropriate temperatures with a disinfectant soap.
Common room
– You will find a food box for closed drinks and food ready to be eaten (it won’t be possible to use fridges).
– Near the house you will find three bars / restaurants and a small market with fresh bread everyday.
Breakfasts / Dinners
– All food will be prepared according to the sanitary rules imposed.
Free transfer from Moka to Ericeira / beaches
– In the van, the use of the face mask will be mandatory.
– The van will be sanitized daily.